On 6/5/07, Doug Bezona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > C. This brings us back to the question... what makes this a good idea? Why
> > overly complicate something?
> While it may not be common, there are a lot of large organizations out there
> with multiple applications in multiple languages. Having a tool that can
> integrate these applications can be very powerful. Getting a couple of
> developers up to speed on CF to write some "glue" code to get, say a .NET
> app and a PHP app talking to one another may make more sense than completely
> porting applications to another language.
> This isn't just an abstract scenario - this is a potential solution to a
> real world situation I was in a year or so ago - two large (50+) development
> teams combined - one team was .NET, one was Java, and they wanted to create
> a system that could leverage apps from both teams.
> The "solution", at the time, was to choose .NET as the standard, and port
> all of the Java code. Ick. Now with CF8's .NET support, one or two
> developers could simply have created the "bridge" app, and the rest of the
> developers could have continued moving forward with either Java or .NET or
> both.

Though one could argue that today, the right solution would be to put
web service (SOAP, REST, whatever) around the various services
produced by each group in a SOA architecture. In that scenario,
ColdFusion is not really needed to provide the bridge. Sharing objects
directly is useful in some situations; sharing data though IMHO seems
the more necessary integration challenge.
John Paul Ashenfelter
(blog) http://www.ashenfelter.com

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