Hey Rick,

    This is what I have:

    <cfif isDefined("upload") AND upload EQ 'picture'>
    <cfset memberPicturePath = '#expandPath("images/members")#'>
    <cfset memberPictureFullPath = 
        <cfif NOT DirectoryExists(#memberPictureFullPath#)>
            <cfdirectory action="create" mode="777" 
            <cffile action="upload" nameconflict="makeunique" mode="777" 
filefield="uploadMemberPicture" destination="#memberPictureFullPath#">
            <cfset imageCFC = createObject("component","image")>
            <cfset imgInfo = imageCFC.resize("", 
            <cfquery name='memberAdd' datasource='#APPLICATION.dsn#'>
                INSERT into    clubMember (
                ) VALUES (
            <cfset warnMe = 6>

Basically, I check to see if the directory already exists...if not I 
allow creation of a directory after the clubMember's Id then I upload 
the file and have the custom imagecfc tag create a component. Then it 
"supposedly" should resize the image and record the name on the database 
so it can be recalled by <img>

What am I missing?


Rick Root wrote:
> You'll have to go into a LOT more detail than that =)
> The ImageCFC support forums are here, btw:  http://url.rickroot.com/u/z
> Rick
> On 6/6/07, Ravi Gehlot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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>> --
>> -------------------------------------------
>> Ravi Gehlot.
>> Sr. Management
>> Sunshine Technology Solutions, LLC
>> http://www.sunshinetechsolutions.com/
>> Cell Phone: (407) 860-3775
>> Business Line: (407) 745-1433
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