Instead of using the mxselect use mxdata - this will let you pass in
each dropdown value as an argument to your CFC and get a return you
can use to build the last dropdown. Check my blog or the mxdata
example for some more details on mxdata. If you have more problems
with it let me know and I'll blog a solution.

On 6/12/07, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James,
> Will this work if I have multiple form fields that need to be passed to the 
> cfc?
> What's mixing me up is the source attribute. Here's what I'm passing. 3 
> items, from 3 formfields.
> <!--- Start ajaxcfc call --->
> <cfoutput>
> <script type='text/javascript' src='../mxAjax/core/js/prototype.js'></script>
> <script type='text/javascript' src='../mxAjax/core/js/mxAjax.js'></script>
> <script type='text/javascript' src='../mxAjax/core/js/mxSelect.js'></script>
> </cfoutput>
> <script language="javascript">
>         var url = "<cfoutput>#ajaxUrl#</cfoutput>";
>         function init() {
>         new mxAjax.Select({
>         parser: new mxAjax.CFArrayToJSKeyValueParser(),
>         executeOnLoad: true,
>         target: "course",
>         paramArgs: new 
> mxAjax.Param(url,{param:"eval={eval},T7={Tier7},T6={Tier6}", 
> httpMethod:"get", cffunction:"getCourses"}),
>         source: "eval,Tier7,Tier6"
>         });
> }
>    addOnLoadEvent(function() {init();});
> </script>
> If I change one of the dropdowns, nothing happens.
> Thanks,
> Will

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