On 6/13/07, Gert Franz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> well you really should take a look at Railo. Railo 2 is MX 7.02
> compatible and you could easily use it instead of other engines.

Gert, forgive me if I call you on that: Railo doesn't have Flash Forms
or event gateways and doesn't run Transfer (which all may not matter
to some people but it needs saying). So "compatible" is open to
interpretation there.

However, yes, Railo is very impressive and very fast and has a number
of interesting features none of the other CF engines has (I blogged
several of those features recently) and I'm looking forward to hearing
more about Railo at CFUNITED and when Gert comes to speak at BACFUG on
July 11th!
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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