Like most CF transactions, I consider anything longer than 250ms to be ugly, 
but I have to make an exception in this case.  Two of the tables I'm hitting 
are extremely slow (200-300ms for data to return from the metrics I've run), so 
there are inherent issues with this transaction.

CF Admin is not the issue.  I have a timeout of 60 seconds, but CFSETTING 
RequestTimeout = xxx is supposed to overrule that.

- Sung

> On Wednesday 13 Jun 2007, Sung Woo wrote:
> > happening that I don't think I can replicate in a SP.  At least not 
> easily.
> >  And besides, it's already written in CF, so I can't go back now.
> You can (should ?) if it is running for too long.
> > 2 seconds for a transaction that ties together data from four 
> discrete
> > databases is OK in my book. 
> I'd expect it to run in well under a second. Tens of milli's, ideally. 
> Maybe that's just me.
> > My main question still remains unanswered -- 
> > is there some place in CF where a 600-second template limitation 
> exists?
> The CF admin., not unusually.

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