I fixed my typo but I'm still getting errors with the code below. The error
I now get reads: "Element 1 is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as
part of an expression."

I'm sure this is a simple fix... What am I missing?

-----Original Message-----
Basically, I have nested structures. I want to check if the nested structure
exists first. If it does not exist, then I'll create it. Then I want to
check if the nested structure's "tickler" value is "Y". Obviously, my cfif
logic is not correct. Thanks!

<cfif NOT isDefined("stWSSB_Tickler")>
        <cfset stWSSB_Tickler = structNew()>

<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(xmlcontent.message.items.item)#" index="x">

<cfif NOT structIsEmpty(stWSSB_Tickler[x])>
        <cfif structFind(stWSSB_Tickler[x], "tickler") NEQ "Y">

                <cfset stWSSB_Tickler[x] = structNew()>
                <cfset stWSSB_Tickler[x].ord_qty =
xmlcontent.message.items.item[x].ord_qty.xmlText />
                <cfset stWSSB_Tickler[x].unit_price =
xmlcontent.message.items.item[x].unit_price.xmlText />
                <cfset stWSSB_Tickler[x].tickler = "Y" />




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