Yea, my first attempt was something similar:


but it throws errors (unspecified ones at that)

So does this, weirdly enough:

<cfset FileName = "01-122906WASH-CIRC.txt">

<cfset pubDate = Mid(FileName,4,6)>

<cfset month = Left(pubDate,2)>
<cfset day = Mid(pubDate,3,2)>
<cfset year = Right(pubDate,2)>

<cfset pubDate = CreateDate(month,day,year)>

<cfoutput>#month#/#day#/#year# - #pubDate#</cfoutput>

On 6/15/07, Adkins, Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> May not be the most efficient way but:
> CreateDate(MID(myString,5,2), MID(myString,3,2), MID(myString,1,2))
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 12:05 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: converting a string to a date - most efficient way?
> So, I have a file that I am uploading that contains a string that
> represents the date, and I need to extract the date from the filename.
> I have the extraction down to a string that looks like MMDDYY (ex:
> 120507) and I need to turn that into an ODBC date in the most efficient
> way possible.
> I've got a few ideas, but they all basically suck.  Any takers?
> --
> Ray Champagne
> Web Developer, Dolan Media Company
> 612.215.6497 :: 612.718.8852 (m)
> ray.champagne [at] dolanmedia [dot] com
> GTalk: raychampagne

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