Hello Guys,


I've been working with OO for some time now but there are still a few little
things that escape me, so I'm looking for a definitive answer.


When dealing with data access objects how should I be moving the data
retrieved by them into the actually bean style object? As I see it at the
moment I have two real options, the first is to have my function to return
the query results, like this:


<!--- Read --->

<cffunction name="read" access="public" output="false" returntype="query"
hint="I read a record from persistence">

      <cfargument name="CredentialID" required="true" type="numeric"
hint="I'm the ID for the credential record to be read" />


            <!--- Create Temporary Local Structure --->

            <cfset var LOCAL = structNew() />


            <!--- Query To Create Record --->

            <cfquery name="LOCAL.Result" datasource="">




      <cfreturn LOCAL.Result />           



This involves me revoking the function, passing the ID of the record in as
an argument and then dealing with the returned query results from wherever I
revoke the object and put them into my bean.


Or, I could inject the bean object into the DAO as a constructor, and then
set directly from my method, something like this:


<!--- Read --->

<cffunction name="read" access="public" output="false" returntype="void"
hint="I read a record from persistence">

      <!--- Create Temporary Local Structure --->

      <cfset var LOCAL = structNew() />


      <!--- Query To Create Record --->

      <cfquery name="LOCAL.Result" datasource="">


            WHERE Credential_ID = <cfqueryparam
value="#VARIABLES.Instance.Bean.getID()#" />



<!--- Set Into Bean --->

      <cfset VARIABLES.Instance.Bean.setUsername(LOCAL.Results.Username) />

<cfset VARIABLES.Instance.Bean.setPassword(LOCAL.Results.Password) />


      <cfreturn />            



Which of those is the best method for me to use? How do you guys deal with
it? Or is there a different  method all together that I've not read about?


I look forward to hearing from you guys,


Thanks a lot for all your help



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