Here is the ColdFusion and Fusebox news:

* Only 6 days left until CFUNITED-07
* Conference Registration Package and LIMITED SEATING and Scheduler 
* CFUNITED Europe 3/12/08 London UK
* CFUNITED-07 pre-conference classes iPod raffle winner
* MiniMAX SE7EN @ CFUNITED 6/26/07 8pm
* Open Source Code winner of Wii - Barney Boisvert "Management Tool"
* CFUNITED-07 Manager's Guide. "Why send your developers to CFUNITED?"
* CFMeetup Thur 12:30pm - Mark Drew "CFeclipse Plus!"
* New CFUNITED podcasts released
  - Billy Brown - Spry
  - Matt Stevanus - Flex 2.0 and ColdFusion Functional and Load Testing 203
* "Got Fusebox?" t-shirt.
* Fusebox YouTube video competition ends 6/22/07
* Interview with Shlomy Gantz on "Custom Tags, UDFs and CFCs"
* Interview with Sponsor Jason Egan from "CFDynamics"

"I just wanted to let you guys know that you continue to impress
me. Last year I was knocked out by how well-run the CFUNITED
conference was. It was by far the best-organized conference I
have ever attended. The overflow hotel was quickly arranged and
the shuttle was quite easy to use. The food was great. The swag
was great. I learned something immediately useful at nearly every
session I attended. Everything started and ended on time. That's
why I'm coming back. When I got this year's pre-registration
packet I was even more impressed. Even better than last year.
Lots of great info. Schedule, floor maps, directions, even a
color Metro map! Sure these things are all available online, but
it's great to have it all handed to me in one neat package. Keep
up the great work!"
-Jay Lillie, UPS (CFUNITED attendee)

Other great quotes from attendees about "Why people should attend CFUnited"

* Only 6 days left until CFUNITED-07! Hotel info. Managers Guide to 

When you decide to go to your next conference you may be pleasantly 
surprised by how much extra value you get at CFUNITED.

Need help deciding? Read the Managers Guide to CFUNITED at .
Takes less than 5 minutes to read.

Note the price increases at end of the day Thursday 6/21/07 to the on 
site price which is $100 more
than the regular rate. If you are unemployed or a full time student 
there is a 60% discount. Email
info (at) to get this discount.

* Conference Registration Package and LIMITED SEATING and Scheduler 

If you have not received your registration package in the mail we will 
give you one onsite at the
event. It contains a t-shirt and a document which you can download here:

There is a User Group Manager Meeting Tues 6/26/07 -

Please note that we will CLOSE LIMITED SEATING SESSIONS on Friday June 
22nd at 5pm (COB). You will
not be allowed to add Limited seating sessions to your scheduler after 
June 22nd.

If you have not filled out your scheduler, do so now!

ALL ColdFusion 8 topic recordings will be made available for FREE after 
the event to all attendees.
They will be Screen Video Capture and Sound recordings!

Limited Seating Sessions are:

6/27/2007 10:15AM-11:15AM
ColdFusion 8: Going Beyond Paper with PDF Documents and Forms - Dean Harmon

6/27/2007 11:30AM-12:30PM
ColdFusion 8: Dynamic Image Processing - Raymond Camden

6/27/2007 2:15PM-5:15PM
CFC Development - Raymond Camden

6/28/2007 8:30AM-9:30AM
ColdFusion 8:CFML Enhancements - Rupesh Kumar

6/28/2007 9:45AM-10:45AM
ColdFusion 8: Flex 3 & Apollo (The Future of Adobe Development) - Matt 

6/28/2007 1:45PM-2:45PM
Prototyping Applications with Flex 2.0 - Scott Stroz

6/28/2007 3:00PM-6:00PM
The Microsoft .NET Framework + BlueDragon: A Better Platform for CFML
Integrating CFML and .NET Code - Josh Adams

6/29/2007 8:30AM-10:30AM
Managing ColdFusion projects from start to finish - Shlomy Gantz

6/29/2007 1:30PM - 2:30PM
ColdFusion 8: Microsoft Exchange and .NET Integration - Ramchandra Kulkami

6/29/2007 2:45PM-3:45PM
ColdFusion 8: Case Study: - Monish Sood

Not Limited Seating Topic "ColdFusion 8: Advanced AJAX Development"
We have opened up the number of people that may attend this session.
This session's video capture will still be made available for free after 
the event to attendees.

* CFUNITED Europe 3/12/08 London UK

Join us for CFUNITED/Europe 08 in March 2008. Note that this is in 
addition to the
CFUNITED-08 in USA in June 2008.

Date: March 12-13th 2008
Location: Novotel London West, UK
To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of CFUnited we're going to Europe 
to share the CFUnited
Experience with all the ColdFusion developers in Europe.

* CFUNITED-07 pre-conference classes iPod raffle winner

The winner of the iPod Nano pre-conference classes iPod raffle is:
Carolyn Foster Sacramento Co Office of Ed

Some classes are nearly full - snag your spot at

Registration and more info at

Monday 6/25
CU221   Rob Gonda       Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
CU222   Ajay Sathuluri  CF Server Administration for Security and More
CU224   Nate Nelson     Advanced Database

Tuesday 6/26
CU225   Peter Bell      Practical Code Generation: By Example
CU226   Simon Horwith   Architecting and Optimizing CF Applications for 
Performance and Scalability
CU227   John Paul Ashenfelter   Best Practice Bootcamp for Developers
CU228   Charlie Arehart         New in CFMX 6 and 7: What Did You Miss?

Note that class CU223 Oguz Demirkapi Multi Language Applications in CF 
in Theory and Practice has
been canceled as no one had signed up for it as of last Friday.

* MiniMAX SE7EN @ CFUNITED 6/26/07 8pm

Join us for the prelude to the CFUnited Conference on Tuesday Evening, 
June 26th at 8PM ET at the
Marriott Hotel in North Bethesda, MD for MiniMAX's seventh annual event.

MiniMAX SE7EN is a free event but you need to register to be part of the 

MiniMAX SE7EN is a series of 15 minute tutorials provided by some of the 
best experts in the Web,
print, broadcast and interactive design and development community. 
Expect to see sessions on Flash,
After Effects, Flex, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver, as well as other 
Adobe-related applications mixed
in for good pleasure.
Prizes from major book publishers like Peachpit and O'Reilly, software 
companies like On2 and
Cartweaver and area businesses will also be offered. It's like a 
mini-conference all in one night!
Come meet your peers, make some new pals, stay for the after-party and 
learn from some of the best
and most creative people on the planet!

* Open Source Code winner of Wii - Barney Boisvert "Management Tool"

Thank you to everyone who entered in the Open Source Code Off. There 
were a lot
of good entries and the and it definitely shows off our talented 
community! The winners
were picked by the CFUNITED Advisory Board.

The winner of a Nintendo Wii is Barney Boisvert for his "Management Tool"
A simple schema management tool. You write your database mods into 
migration scripts (CFCs), and
then the tool manages application of the scripts on an as-needed basis 
in all environments the
application is deployed to. Very handy if you have a laptop, an office 
workstation, a home machine,
and a production server and don't want to spend your life keeping the 
databases backing each one in
sync with the others.
It is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.

Second: Mary Jo Sminkey "USPS tracker"
Third: Joe Danzinger "Project Tracker"

Go to the CFUnited Wiki and check out all the Open Source Contest 
Entries.  If you have your own
open source project you'd like to share,
please list it on the CFUnited wiki!

* CFUNITED-07 Manager's Guide

"Why send your developers to CFUnited?" This question and more are 
answered in this Manager's Guide
to how CFUnited benefits your company and how being an attendee 
contributes largely to the CF

Also check out these top reasons for coming!

* CFMeetup Thur 12:30pm - Mark Drew "CFeclipse Plus!"

CFMeetup is a weekly half hour technical talk from CFUNITED speakers. It 
is hosted by Raymond Camden
and Charlie Arehart of the Meetup virtual CFUG. The current schedule is 
every Thursday at 12:30pm -
1pm EDT.

     * 6/21/07 Mark Drew "CFeclipse Plus!"
     * 6/28/07 Live from show

You can get details on each talk, as well as RSVP, at:
The URL for each Acrobat Connect meeting will be, where you
would sign in as a guest.

The talks are on Adobe Acrobat Connect so you can listen in remotely via 
your PC with sound via the
internet. We are planning to record the talks and will provide URLs for 
later viewing after each
event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

* New CFUNITED podcasts released
- Billy Brown - Spry
- Matt Stevanus - Flex 2.0 and ColdFusion Functional and Load Testing 203

Billy Brown - Spry

A presentation on Spry, Adobe's new framework for Ajax.

Matt Stevanus - Flex 2.0 and ColdFusion Functional and Load Testing 203

Non-trivial applications require functional and load testing beyond 
"shift-F5" and a developer
checking his own work manually. This is particularly true for richer 
interfaces, like those that can
be created with Flex. RIAs allow for richer user interaction and more 
permutations that require
testing. This session will introduce you to functional and load testing 
techniques, methodologies,
and software related to testing Flex applications. While the performance 
testing information can be
applied to any backend server product, specific attention will be paid 
to the use of ColdFusion as
the backend server. Some previous experience with Flex will be helpful, 
but not essential, for this

* New Fusebox website due for release at CFUNITED. "Got Fusebox?" t-shirt.

The new Fusebox website created by Sandra Clark with help from other 
members of Team Fusebox will be
released at CFUNITED. Included will be a documentation wiki with live 
docs from Fuseboxers
worldwide, put together by Nat Papovich and the Webapper team.

We will be doing a raffle at CFUNITED for any one wearing a "Got 
Fusebox?" t-shirt which you can get

* Fusebox YouTube video competition ends 6/22/07

You've seen them - the ten minute presentations where Rails enthusiasts 
make a blog or some other
handy application to demonstrate the versatility of the framework. Now 
it's time for Fuseboxers
around the world to showcase their skill and the framework they love. 
Team Fusebox wants you to put
together a ten minute YouTube video and will reward the creator of the 
video that gets the most
votes with a bunch of good stuff. Confirmed prizes include a pass to 
CFUNITED with more to follow.
The idea behind the competition is to generate some buzz around the 
framework and get some Fusebox
demos out there to illustrate the power of the framework. We realize 
that a good deal of the power
of the framework comes from ColdFusion's extensive, simple tagset, but 
the same can be said for many

If you have an existing open source Fusebox app you want to demonstrate, 
that works too, just
remember that the code has to be publicly available.

Deadline: June 22nd 2007 at 12pm (noon) CDT

* Interview with Shlomy Gantz on "Custom Tags, UDFs and CFCs"

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Shlomy Gantz about his
CFUNITED-07 talk "Custom Tags, UDFs and CFCs". So why should a developer 
come to your
session Shlomy?

Shlomy Gantz: Well, as any seasoned developer would know, Re-use is a
powerful ally. I will be covering various forms of re-using code in
ColdFusion, be that your own CFML code, or even other people's code. I think
that it essential to ease and power of re-use in ColdFusion and how to
properly leverage it. I will also include A LOT of code samples. If that is
not enough, I will also have a magic show, dancers and even a chimp   :-)

MS: So for the less seasoned developers what exactly are the benefits of

SG:  Reuse saves you valuable time in both development and maintenance.
Reusing other people's code can also save you a tremendous amount of time
trying to solve problems that have already been solved by someone else. Do
you really want to re-code the same solution over and over?

MS: That is neat. Doesn't a CFINCLUDE let you reuse code too? How are custom
tags better than just including the common code?

SG:  CFINCLUDE is the most basic form of reuse, but sometimes we need to
send parameters to a module to modify the display or functionality slightly.
Custom Tags allow you to use attributes to control the way that module

MS: Ok, makes sense. What about CFCs - what do they add?

SG:  CFCs (ColdFusion Components) are really cool, they are the latest and
greatest addition to reuse in ColdFusion. The allow for a more
"object-oriented"  development style as well as allow other people to use
your components remotely as web services.

MS: Isn't all this CFC Object Oriented stuff hard to get into?

SG:  Not at all, they are actually very easy to develop. They can simply be
a collection of user defined functions (UDFs) or more advanced CFCs that
have both methods and properties.

MS: You mentioned UDFs. If CFCs have functions in them why would I use UDF
functions instead?

SG: Because UDFs alone are limited. Standalone UDFs cannot contain state,
support inheritance, organized into packages or be easily invoked as web
services. In fact there is a whole session on CFCs following my presentation
for anyone interested in developing CFCs.

MS: Wow this sounds like a really useful talk, plus I haven't seen a chimp
at a tech show for years.
I will see you at CFUNITED!

You can see more interviews at
CFUNITED-06 is Wed 6/27/07 - Sat 6/30/07 in Bethesda MD, just outside
Washington DC.
It costs $949 until 3/31/06 then $1049. For more information on CFUNITED see

Custom Tags, UDFs & CFCs
Better description coming soon

Speaker Bio:
Shlomy Gantz is the President and founder of BlueBrick Inc. He has over a
decade of management experience in the hi-tech industry, and an extensive
background in application development, database integration and project
management. He works with Fortune 500 companies around the world. He
frequently presents in technology and management conferences and various
user groups across US and Europe.

Prior to founding BlueBrick, Mr. Gantz was a Senior Consultant for Computer
Horizons, working for some of the nation's major airlines. Mr.
Gantz was also the co-founder and vice president of technology for
CoreActive ACG, a leading provider of web based solutions.

* Interview with Sponsor Jason Egan from "CFDynamics"

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with sponsor Jason Egan from
CFDynamics about their ColdFusion based web hosting. So what brings you 
to CFUnited this year?

Jason Egan:
At CFUnited we have a unique opportunity to support the growing CFML
community.  We host many Adobe user groups and several of our customers will
be in attendance to learn more about the technologies that will be presented
at CFUnited.

MS: What sets CFDynamics apart from other hosting companies?

JE: Hands down it is our customer service.

MS: When I think of customer service and hosting companies I picture the
nightmare of email tickets and long wait times to get support.  What exactly
is customer service to you?

JE: We take a very personal approach to customer service.  We're on a first
name basis with most of our partners.  I choose the word partners because we
view our relationship with customers as a partnership.  We work very hard to
make sure that their sites are running; enabling them to concentrate on
their core business.  Their success is very important to us.  Yes, we have a
ticket system and a phone system that efficiently routes you to the right
people so questions are answered right away.  Very few business owners have
the time to dedicate towards the various technical aspects of hosting, let
alone that of the CFML server weather it is MX or BlueDragon.  They can rely
on us to take care of that just as they would trust their business partner
to manage other critical parts of their business.

MS: With ColdFusion 8 now in public beta, will you be offering hosting plans
that support these great new features once it's released?

JE: Absolutely!  We're looking forward to seeing all of the great
applications that will be created on CFDynamics servers with this product!

MS: We would like to thank Jason and everyone at CFDynamics this year 
for their continued support
and ask everyone to stop by and say hello while at CFUnited to see if 
they can fulfil your hosting

Come to the premier ColdFusion conference of 2007 in Washington DC area 
(Four whole days). Note that you could spend the whole CFUNITED 
conference at Advanced CF topics, or
learning CF in the bootcamp or learning Flex and Apollo in our Flex 
track. Or deployment issue or
empowered programming or SQL! Plus in depth pre-conference classes from 
nationally know experts.
Check it out at

* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendance for 4 days (6/27/ - 6/30/07)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

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