>Come on now. If you are seriously saying you can't use CFEclipse because you
>don't have enough RAM, I have to point out that you can buy a 2Gb stick of
>DDR2 400 RAM for $68.

That's nice if it's what your system uses...the sticks my Dell Dimension uses 
are ridiculously expensive...Dell charges $400 for a 512MB stick making it a 
total of $1600 for me to upgrade to a 2 gig system. Lowest price from other 
vendors is still almost $300. So just not a feasible solution for me, will need 
to wait until I can just upgrade my entire system. 

Regardless I agree with those that prefer CFStudio (Homesite) to CFEclipse. I 
generally only fire up Eclipse if I need to use FusionDebug and while I've 
tried using it exclusively, I still find myself coming back to CFStudio. I 
don't think anyone here will convince us Homesite lovers that CFEclipse is 
better...Studio is just so elegant, easy to use without a big learning curve 
and has so many little touches that just make my coding easier and quicker. I 
can fire it up at a moment's notice for quick edits and it doesn't bog down my 
system. I really would love to see Adobe rescue it from oblivion. It doesn't 
quite make sense to me that one of the biggest draws for ColdFusion is how easy 
it is for newbies to learn...and yet we're expecting them to figure out 
something as complicated as Eclipse to use as their IDE. 

--- Mary Jo

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