
I am aware of those limitations of onRequest() in application.cfc.

I have not done any of the stuff that Cutter has with multiple instances.
Fore some reason a couple of weeks ago I noticed that none of my flash
movies were displaying. I didn't really bother with it, but then I went to
use Brian Rinaldi's generator but it gave me the 500 error. Now we've got a

I am surprised that you are able to serve up swfs, since my setup is the
same as yours (minus the fact that I'm not running from the terminal).

Mysteries, anyone like them?


On 7/5/07, Sean Corfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/5/07, Aaron Roberson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, I am using onRequest() in application.cfc. I am using it for
> includes
> > that are needed application wide. Please tell me I'm not going to have
> to
> > forfeit this...
> You cannot use onRequest() when you are working with Web Services,
> Flash Remoting or AJAX calls to CFCs. Read the (copious) documentation
> about Application.cfc in the Developer's Guide for more details.
> > Sean, have you tried serving up a swf file on your machine?
> Yup, I do it all the time with Flex apps and the dev version of my own
> website which serves up SWFs.
> At least we've eliminated onRequest() - and Cutter indicates he's
> having similar problems with 6.1 and 7, which eliminates
> Application.cfc completely. That also eliminates hot fixes since 6.1
> and 7 would have different patches.
> Very, very odd indeed.
> --
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> An Architect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood

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