Has anyone had any experience with the AHP VPS Hosting? The load
balanced VPS server is really looking like a nice option.

On 7/17/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The files you're storing don't technically have to be on the same server.
> You could have two servers, one used as a media server, the other as your
> main domain server.
> Just a thought.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Donahue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 4:50 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Time for another CF hosting site thread...
> Hello Charlie and listers,
>     I'll join this thread. I'm finding that most ColdFusion Hosting
> companies while they offer support for many of CF's features they tend to be
> quite stingy on disk space. During the National Federation of the Blind
> Convention several weeks ago we established a new group called the National
> Federation of the Blind Living History Group. One initiative of this group
> is to digitize old recordings of past NFB events and place them on a Web
> site for members and other interested individuals to listen to or download
> to their hard drive, podcatcher, or whatever other device they have for
> offline listening and storage. I've seen some hosting companies who offer
> accounts with very generous amounts of disk space for a very cheap price;
> 500 GB to be exact. This would be more than enough to meet our needs for a
> good while, but they don't support ColdFusion. If anyone knows of CF hosting
> companies offering accounts with similar amounts of disk space who won't
> take us to the bank that would be wonderful! We have a service used to
> support a number of our affiliate Web sites and discussion lists, but it
> does not support ColdFusion. I tried running some CF code on that host, but
> didn't get as much as an invalid parser construct error. It simply ignored
> the CF code and displayed the page without executing anything. Our Sysop has
> been great about allotting us the disk space we need for our affiliate Web
> sites. A project of this nature would require us to have a large amount of
> space for file storage which we can manage ourselves and have under complete
> control of our group. Any suggestions for CF hosts that would meet our needs
> would be appreciated. I all ready use Yetihost  for some of my CF accounts
> of paying customers, but even they are stingy on disk space not to mention
> having to pay by the British pound instead of the Yankee Dollar. Again your
> suggestions and recommendations will be very much appreciated.
> Peter Donahue
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charlie Griefer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 4:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Time for another CF hosting site thread...
> for "fairly simple", basic and cheap, i use www.hostingAtoZ.com.
> They're definitely cheap :)
> $20 a year gets you CFMX7 Enterprise and mySQL.  $35 a year gets you
> CFMX7 Enterprise and SQL Server2k5.    And -very- few restrictions on
> disabled tags/functions.
> since i've started mentioning them more frequently, i've set up a
> siteuptime.com monitor (running since June 10).
> 99.432% uptime.
> http://www.siteuptime.com/statistics.php?Id=54549&&UserId=69175
> Wrote about it more in-depth on my blog about a month ago.  There are
> also a few comments from other customers (and ex-customers) so you can
> get a bigger picture.
> http://cfblog.griefer.com/index.cfm/id/hosting_a_to_z_inexpensive
> On 7/16/07, Brian Yager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a client that wants a fairly simple website.  I REALLY want to use
> CFdynamics but I am not going to tell him it's $50/month just for CFFILE.
> So...If you all can direct me to who you use, I will gladly look at them and
> give you the referal.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Brian Yager
> >
> >

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