Thankyou for the information 
Actually  ..
MY class is declared as Public only..
like this ---   public class Search1 
and my class has only one public no argument constructor 
like this ---  
public Search1()  { }
Actaully there is no package at this moment 
I modified my java class and 
Actually I am using Ultraseek Search API in my class file and now its giving a 
new error for me 
The error is 
500 com/ultraseek/xpa/server/UltraseekServer
I dont know why its giving this error and no Idea to fix it 
and this error is coming at 
<CFSET retval = myObj.search("hello")>     --- this line of coldfusion code 
where search is the method with one input parameter String
Plz suggest me what I need to do if at all I am using Ultraseek API in the Java 
and what is the reason for that error  
> Subject: RE: Error when using Java class in Cold Fusion> From: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> To: cf-talk@houseoffusion.com> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 15:45:59 
> -0400> > CF won't create the actual java object until you call it, so the 
> lack of> an error on the <cfobject> line may not mean that part went 100% 
> right.> > Things to check:> * The class itself needs to be declared as 
> "public" (so, "public class> ....")> * Your class needs to have a public 
> no-argument constructor (or no> constructors at all, which would also be 
> fine). If the Search1 class> does have a constructor that requires arguments 
> then call it using CF's> trick with the object "init(...)" method.> * I don't 
> see any package name there, so that must mean that the Search1> class doesn't 
> have a "package" line at the top of it. This is> definitely a good idea to 
> include but I don't think that is source of> the problem.> > Hope that 
> helps.> Mark> > > -----Original Message-----> From: Tripura Kondabala 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:17 PM> To: 
> CF-Talk> Subject: Error when using Java class in Cold Fusion> > Hello Every 
> one> I am getting the following error in my Coldfusion code . The error is 
> as> follow === Class coldfusion.runtime.java.JavaProxy can not access a> 
> member of class Search1 with modifiers "" > > > My cold fusion code is as 
> follow ===> <cfobject type = "Java" action = "Create" class = "Search1" name 
> => "searchObj" />> <cfset ret = searchObj.search()>> > and its giving error 
> for <cfset ret = searchObj.search()> line ...> Can anyone tell me what is the 
> reason > > I have a Java class named Search1 and there is a public method in 
> it> with the following declaration ...> public int search() throws Exception 
> > {> ...> ...> ...> ...> }> > Thankyou > > > > 

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