I use the following UDF:

function fnNumbersOnly(str) {
        return reReplace(str,"[^[:digit:]]","","all");

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 3:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: strip all non-numeric characters from a string

We are having an issue with users entering their phone numbers and credit
card info.  How would I strip a string of all non-numeric characters.  I'm
sure it involves rereplace() but I'm no good with regular expressions.
Thanks for any help.

Right now for the credit card I have this which just strips out spaces and
dashes: <cfset attributes.billingCardNumber =
replace(attributes.billingCardNumber, " ", "", "all")> <cfset
attributes.billingCardNumber = replace(attributes.billingCardNumber, "-",
"", "all")>

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