I think it is selected="true", or you can just use <option value="B"

Not sure if that is your problem, but that's what jumped out at me.

Also, be careful when you test in FF, as it tends to cache your form
selections even upon a ctrl-refresh.  That has gotten me quite a few times.
I usually test these things in IE just to be safe.

On 8/21/07, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Morning all.
> I have this select list:
> <select name="Shift">
> <cfif (GetScheduleInfoRet.Shift) IS "B">
>                                 <option value="B"
> selected="selected">Breakfast</option>
>                                 <option value="L">Lunch</option>
>                 <cfelseif (GetScheduleInfoRet.Shift) IS "L">
> <option value="B">Breakfast</option>
>                                 <option value="L"
> selected="selected">Lunch</option>
>                 <cfelse>
>                                  <option value="B">Breakfast</option>
>                                  <option value="L">Lunch</option>
>                 </cfif>
> </select>
> So when I open the form, the elseif portion kicks in because the item in
> the
> database is L (and I added identifying letters at the end of each option).
> However, breakfast is the option that I am seeing selected, not
> Lunch.  Not
> sure why this is happening. Any ideas? This is a very basic deal that I
> have
> done with success in the past but today it does not want to cooperate.
> Using CF8, Server 2003.
> Bruce

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