> I've got a 2k3 server that was running fine with cf mx7 till 
> I updated it (inc sp2)  and all subsequent updates.  Since 
> then the app server service wont start
> The ColdFusion MX 7 Application Server service terminated 
> with service-specific error 2 (0x2)
> Windows firewall is disabled.
> Does anyone have any ideas about how to fix this?

Try running it as an application, and see what kind of error that gives you.

Also, I ran into a problem once where a Windows update broke CF; the update
prevented the allocation of enough contiguous RAM to allow CF to start. The
temporary fix was to reduce the amount of RAM used by CF, by editing
jvm.config appropriately. The long-term fix was to identify and remove the
update in question.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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