Thanks for helping me troubleshoot this. I used your basic example to
step back and try to troubleshoot this from the start to see where
things break.

The Web root folder is

My code is here

If I stay inside the Web root, all combinations of virtual
directories, paths, etc. all work with your sample code. For example I
can put park.cfc inside of
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\a\b\c\ and call it as a.b.c.park.getParks(). Or I
can create a virtual directory to that folder as "x" and write

As soon as I put the CFC in a folder outside of the Web root, the code
no longer works, even though I have a virtual directory set up. This
problem is specific to the new Ajax feature, since the ColdFusion
server has no problems accessing a file outside of the Web root. So
this looks like a bug with the new Ajax feature where virtual
directories are not properly handled in the code that generates the

To test this, I changed my Web root to point to C:\projects\ and that
code which didn't work started working, even though I am using a
virtual directory so the true location of the Web root shouldn't

Mike Chabot

On 9/12/07, Dale Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://tutorial1.learncf.com/
> This is a working example, if you download and drop that code (there is a
> download and demo button on the page) and see if this works, if this works
> perhaps it's something wrong with your code.

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