Thanks Wil,

That suggestion works.  However, in an example of a query with 10 
columns and assuming you want to allow desc and asc, does anyone  have a 
more conscience way other than 20 cfcase statements?

I thought about just checking for the existence of the semicolon in the 
sort variable being passed.  If it exists, ignore it and default the 
sort.  But...then I'd still be exposing the actual database field name 
which as you say, is a not desirable.

I haven't attempted to use a framework yet.  Do these 
already/automagically account for this?  Does anyone else have another 
way of dealing with this?

> I like to use a cfswitch if there are more than two sort columns.
> I pass something like sort=name or sort=date etc in the URL.  My table 
> columns are never this simply named so I don't have any conflicts.
> Then in the cfswitch statement I have something like this
> <cfswitch expression"#url.sort#">
>     <cfcase value="name">
>           order by table.user_name
>     <cfcase>
>     <cfcase value="date">
>           order by table.lastlogin_date
>     <cfcase>
> ..
> ..
> ..
> </cfswitch>

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