> On 9/18/07, Joel Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > So let's say that my form has 20 hobbies/interests.  I would be 
> creating 20 entries in this middle table, correct?  Is this going to 
> create a problem if I have hundreds of users?
> Since you're only storing profile IDs and hobby IDs in that table, 
> you
> could put a million rows in there with no problem....  even Access
> could handle that :)
> That's certainly the most flexible way to go about storing this kind
> of data.. easily allowing you to add/remove hobbies at will, and
> report on the data, which you clearly are going to need to be able to
> do.
> -- 
> Rick Root
> Check out CFMBB, BlogCFM, ImageCFC, ImapCFC, CFFM, and more at
> www.opensourcecf.

Excellent.  Thanks so much for the advice and instruction! 

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