Yes, the newer keystore in CF8 could well contain a CA cert that isn't
in the older one that came with CF7. Get the CA cert from the vendor
and import it into the CF7 keystaore and you should be fine - you can
print the list of certs in each keystore if necessary.

On 10/2/07, Dawson, Michael wrote:
> We have a vendor that is providing text messaging for our campus.  They
> provide both SOAP and REST web services.  I'm trying to connect to the
> REST service to pull some information.  The service requires SSL.
> When I try to consume the REST service from CF7, the service throws an
> error.  However, when I try the exact same code in CF8, it works as
> expected.
> Their certificate issuer is UTN-USERFirst-Hardware.
> So, to me, it appears that the java keystore, installed with CF8 "knows"
> about "UTN-USERFirst-Hardware", where CF7's java keystore does not.
> Does that sound plausible?

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