Thanks, Ben!  

For some reason the hotfix isn't resolving the issue for me, which is weird.  
But the AlwaysReportTriggerResults=true trick works fine, so I'll just use that.

Thanks for your help!
Jim Sullivan

> Hey Jim,
> that issue was fixed with the latest hotfix.

> do?externalId=kb402466&sliceId=1

> It's not listed in the notes, but I was the one who reported the bug 
> and received an email back stating it was an official bug and that it 
> would be fixed in the first hotfix.

> There is also a workaround to add the argument: 
> AlwaysReportTriggerResults=true to your neo-datasource.xml file for 
> that particular datasource. Or you can select "Other" as the driver 
> type and enter in the jdbc driver manually as below:


> Ben

> ----- Original Message ----
> To: CF-Talk <>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2007 3:48:18 PM
> Subject: MS SQL Triggers and Coldfusion 8

> Hi all.  We're in the process of switching over from CF7 to CF8.  We 
> have a query that updates a row in a MS SQL database, which then 
> causes a trigger to return a date value to Coldfusion.  It worked in 7 
> but it doesn't seem to be working in 8.  Coldfusion 8 is telling me 
> that the query is undefined while that is not the case with the same 
> query in Coldfusion 7.

> I searched the docs and release notes and the web, and the only clue I 
> can find are the last few comments under this Ben Forta blog post:
> cfm/2007/7/6/ColdFusion-8-Can-Return-Identity-Values
> It seems that other people are having the same problem.  

> So does anyone know if MS SQL triggers that return values officially 
> don't work with Coldfusion 8?

> Thanks,
> Jim Sullivan 

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