Are you sure that's the line where the error is happening... CF likes to
BOLD a line in queries when a DB error occurs but it's hardly ever that line
that is the problem. Let's see the whole query.

Bobby Hartsfield

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Weikert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 10:33 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Odd cfqueryparam issue

Hey folks,

Still having this issue, and would like some more eyes on it, if possible.
Below is my original post from earlier this week.

> I'm getting an odd error when using <cfqueryparam>. I've got the type 
> set to "cf_sql_integer" - the value I'm passing is an integer (even 
> throwing "Int()" into the mix - and yet, I'm getting the error:
> [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Value can not be converted to 
> requested type.
> However, when I remove the <cfqueryparam> and just throw in the raw 
> variable, i.e. "var = #Int(myNumericVariable)#", it works fine.
> Throwing in some debugger code to check the variable being passed into 
> the script, the length is fine, it passes the IsNumeric() check,
> It gets better!
> The same code (with the cfqueryparam call) on my development box works 
> fine. It's on my production box that it hiccups.
> On top of that, there's another query right after, that's very similar 
> - using a cfqueryparam set for integer, but using a different passed 
> in variable - and it works fine.
> Both boxes are running CF8 - though there are differences - dev box is 
> still running Win 2k server, and had CF upgraded - while the 
> production box is new, running fresh installs (no upgrades) of Win 2k3
server and CF8.

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