ColdFusion will throw an error when if you supply 0000-00-00 as the value
for any date functions, cfqueryparam, cfargument with a type of date, etc.
because 0000-00-00 is not a valid date (neither is 02-30-2007).

P.S. I had this same problem and Sean Corfield alerted me to the fact that
CF is smarter than I thought...

On 10/9/07, Donald Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently I've noticed a weird problem.
> During registration, I keep customer information in a registration
> (temporary) table until they confirm their account via email.
> Once the account is confirmed, I copy their data from the registration
> table into the customer table.
> The SQL is similar to this:
> INSERT INTO tblCustomers (firstName, lastName, submitDate)
> SELECT firstName, lastName, submitDate
> FROM tblRegistration
> WHERE customerID = #getUserInfo.customerID#
> This has worked fine for over 400 customers so far.
> But recently I have noticed the submit date is copying over incorrectly
> and is being inserted as null (0000-00-00).
> The only thing I could think of that has changed is that Crystal Tech (the
> hosting company) has switched over to ColdFusion 8.
> Is there any obvious solution to this problem that I have missed? Could it
> be something that changed in ColdFusion 8?
> Any help would be appreciated.

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