It has been well over a year since I looked at this, but I also
remember seeing memory issues when trying to create the Excel file via
various cffunction calls. I had a process that created Excel files
using POI functions that worked fine, and I wanted to make it more
maintainable by dividing common routines up into functions. When I did
this I believe I kept getting memory errors, which instead of trying
to troubleshoot, I just reverted to the working code sans functions
since I was under a deadline.

You can apply styles to cells using POI, although it not as easy as
creating HTML tables with CSS classes.

I believe my hacking though POI was before Ben Nadel's POIUtility
existed, since I don't remember having the benefit of a pre-built code

-Mike Chabot

On 10/12/07, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh dear.
> I just attempted to use Ben Nadel's POUtility.cfc to create my excel
> spreadsheet.
> Couple of problems.
> #1 - it took 141 seconds instead of 45 seconds.  3x longer.
> #2 - it used almost 500 MB of RAM.  2x more.
> #3 - it had less functionality - my method of producing the file as
> HTML tables gave me column specific CSS control over each cell.
> Advantages:
> #1 - file size, 27MB versus 84MB
> #2 - no warning for Office 2007 users
> Back at CFUNITED, I asked the Coldfusion product manager if they had
> any intention of improving the speed of string concatenation.  I told
> him that I was doing a lot of string concatenation to manufacture
> excel files via HTML tables.  He basically blew me off, saying I
> should be using POI for that. (If you're reading this, yes, I felt
> like you blew me off).
> Now, this might not be POI's problem.... maybe it has something to do
> with the POIUtility.cfc, but my initial results don't look good. :(
> --
> Rick Root
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