As long as you are setting the content type you should be fine.

On 10/23/07, Luke Fromhold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, so I'm now trying to get my reports opening within a cfwindow. I've got
> the reporting.cfm page as the value of the source attribute (of cfwindow),
> and am binding some form values from a cfform on the page containing the
> cfwindow tag to the url in the source attribute, to be used when
> reporting.cfm calls the report.  I buggered up the bind first off but
> figured it out using cfdebug in my url, now I'm pretty sure they're working
> well and aren't the prob.. but now when I click the button that calls the
> window, it displays a window with absolute gobbledegook as its contents. It
> does this, regardless of the format (flash or pdf) I choose for the report.
> Before I tear my hair out trying to figure out where I'm going wrong (well,
> before I pull any more out) does anyone know if I can actually use cfreport
> inside a cfwindow?  Could that be causing my problem? I just haven't been
> able to find a reference to it anywhere.
> Thanks again
> Luke
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dale Fraser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, 22 October 2007 2:32 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: cfreport question
> Of course,
> Just open the report in a new window, when they are done, they close the
> window and are back where they were.
> You could also open he report in a frame, div, cfwindow. What ever you like.
> This should work equally well with either flash player or Pdf versions.
> Although here we use PDF.
> Regards
> Dale Fraser
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luke Fromhold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, 22 October 2007 2:06 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: cfreport question
> Hi All
> Just a small cfreport query that any advice you have to offer would be much
> appreciated.. I've got an app that has a reporting component and while I've
> made good use of cf report builder and have some very funky reports I'd
> really like to find a way for users to view them without being pushed out of
> their flow - ie. At the moment pages with cfreport display the reports in
> the whole browser window, and to return they need to the previous screen
> they need to use the back button. Is there any way to display cfreports
> embedded inside the page like a cfdocument can be, so the report is viewed
> in the context of the rest of the interface? My googling and livedoc'ing
> have suggested this isn't the case, but I'm hoping I couldn't find the right
> search term.  Or, being a mighty javascript novice, can anyone hook me up
> with some js that could open a report in a new window? Is that the only
> other alternative?
> Cheers
> Luke

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