That's a good point, I didn't think about virtualization.

Also, I guess it would depend a lot on the specific situation.  Are we 
talking about a small office with 10 email users, 1 web app. and 1 
database?  In that case, the one server setup may work just fine.

But, if there are numerous Exchange users, several web apps. (or 1 
really big one), and multiple databases, then I would still try to split 
it up some way.



Russ wrote:
> Of course if the load is not large and the machine is powerful, you can
> always put everything in it's own VM> 
> Russ
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Eric Cobb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:48 AM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: Re: New 64-bit Dev Server
>> Exchange, SQL, and CF on the same box?  That sounds like a disaster
>> waiting to happen!  Here are a few things that jumped into my head when
>> I read your post:
>> What happens when you're debugging code that keeps crashing the server,
>> and you have to reboot a dozen times a day (from an Exchange perspective)?
>> What happens when the latest patch for SQL Server isn't compatible with
>> Exchange (why would it be?), and it kills your email server?
>> SQL Server will eat as much memory as it can get its hands on, how will
>> that affect your Exchange server?
>> How much memory/hard drive space are you going to have to have to
>> support a dev. appication server, dev. database server, and production
>> (I assume) email server?
>> Personally, I would keep Exchange off of the box.  The CF/SQL setup
>> wouldn't be too bad, but there's no way I would load a production email
>> server on to the same box.  That's just my $.02, though.
>> Thanks,
>> Eric
>> Adrian Lynch wrote:
>>> I'm setting up a new development server that'll house CF 8, IIS 6 and
>>> SQL 2005 on Windows 2003 64-bit. The reason for 64-bit is that it's a
>>> requirement for Exchange 2007 which will also be on this box.
>>> Can anyone shed some light on whether there will be any problems with
>>> this set up? I've been reading up on WoW64 and the requirements for the
>>> various software but any other input would be great.
>>> Thanks.

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