datediff() is what you are looking for.

--Ben Doom

Andrew Whone wrote:
> I retrieve a bunch of dynamic DateFroms and DateTos that a user has input 
> into a form.    
> <!--- Loop through the dateField IDs to get the Dates ranges---> 
> <cfloop list="#form.DatefieldID#" index="id">           
> <!--- Get the dates---> 
> <cfset DateFrom = form["dateFrom_" & id]> 
> <cfset DateTo = form["dateTo_" & id]> 
> <!--- Format the dates---> 
> <CFSET DateFrom1 = #DateFormat(DateFrom, "yyyy-mm-dd")#> 
> <CFSET DateTo1 = #DateFormat(DateTo, "yyyy-mm-dd")#> 
> <!--- Get the number of days in each period---> 
> <cfset DateDifference = DateDiff("d", "#DateFrom1#", "#DateTo1#")+1> 
> </cfloop> 
>  I want to know the DateFrom of the first period that is more than 4 days and 
> I want to find out if each date range is separated by at least one day. I 
> have ensured that the date ranges are in chronological order and the DateFrom 
> is before the DateTo.
> <!--- Get the DateFrom of the first period that is more than 4 days?---> 
> <cfif #DateDifference# GT 4> 
> </cfif>
> Any clues would be much appreciated! 

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