I'd wager that the problem has to do with the fact that this is a shared
host. Something clearly isn't correct since obviously many people (including
myself) are using ColdSpring on shared hosts. You might ensure that the cfc
dot paths are resolving correctly (it looks like you might be using "
bunp9.coldspring.beans.DefaultXmlBeanFactory" which will break all of the
internal ColdSpring type paths.

On 10/23/07, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've uploaded the coldspring core code again , with no change.
> I posted this same question to the Coldspring mailing list too but
> after 6 hours now it stlil hasn't appeared. I guess the coldspring
> list is dead.
> I guess i'll just have to give this idea away and go back to my own
> home-grown factory CFC instead.   Leave the coldspring to other people
> until i get a few hours free to try it again.
> I've invested 10 hours in this now, and i can't afford to waste much
> more time on it.

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