One thing Mike can do first is emulate these settings on his dev
machine first to see if that is indeed the problem.

I am unware that coldspring uses any internal java objects, otherwise
it would not run on BlueDragon or Railo.

But worth testing on the dev machine before ringing the hosting provider.

On 10/24/07, James Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the CF8 administrator, "Disable access to internal ColdFusion Java
> components" under settings is one place to check and in the sandbox
> for your account also have them see if they've disabled createobject()
> java, in case these restrict the operation you're trying to perform. I
> could be completely wrong, of course - trying it out would be the
> easiest way to find out but I'm remoting over a 64kbps shaped
> connection and it's just painful...
> On 10/24/07, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for your suggestion James.
> >
> > What do i ask them to look for, and if they have ,  what do i ask them to 
> > do?
> --
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