There should, since MX6 or so, be no reason to create read-only locks 
unless you have some sort of weird race condition going on.  All session 
vars are thread-safe, and so cannot be simultaneously read and written to.

So, you don't need to be absolved from locking even if you are 
referencing the session scope directly -- CF is forgiving.  :-)

--Ben Doom

Ryan Heldt wrote:
> The objects I am copying from are persisted in the session scope. I would
> like to be able to read from these objects at runtime without having to lock
> them all over the place. Does creating a pointer in the request scope to an
> object in session absolve you from locking? I'm not sure, and to be honest,
> I haven't found a lot of information either way on the issue, so copying the
> object seems to be playing it safe, no?

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