A handful of comments:

Backreferencing a single, static character is silly.  It just wastes 
memory and processor time.  You're throwing it away, anyway.

{1} is useless.  It means "one of".  Which would just be the thing by 

Second, {1,} is more commonly written +.  Also, you are saying "one or 
more backreferenced things" instead of "one or more backreferenced things.

I'd write it like this:
Then use the first backreference instead of the second.

--Ben Doom

Andy Jarrett wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to do a look through as string to find usernames and add
> <a> tags around them ala Twitter.
> The regex I think is fine but when I use reReplace 's back reference
> I'm not getting the result I thought I would of. Heres the code. Can
> anyone see anything obvious?
> Cheers, Andy
> <!--- String to be manipulated --->
> <cfset str = "First username is @andrew and second is @jarrett" />
> <cfoutput><p>#str#</p></cfoutput>     
> <!--- The Regex
>       (@){1} - First back reference is the @ sign. Look for one of these
>       ([a-zA-Z0-9]){1,} - Second back reference is the username
> --->
> <cfset reg = "(@){1}([a-zA-Z0-9]){1,}" />
> <!--- Using reReplace we take the second back reference and wrap
> an <a> tag around it --->
> <cfset usernamePos = reReplace(str, reg, "@<a href='test'>\2</a>", "all") >
> <cfoutput>#usernamePos#</cfoutput>

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