I'm binding <cfdiv> to a cfc that runs a simple query that may give more than 
one result. 

Works great, except <cfdiv> only displays the first result. 

For my cfc I have:

 <cffunction   name= "gettires"   access= "remote"   returnType= "any" >
 <cfargument   name= "model"   type= "string"   required= "true" >
 <cfargument   name= "make"   type= "string"   required= "true" >
 <cfargument   name= "year"   type= "string"   required= "true" >
 <!--- Define variables --->
 <cfset   var  data= "" >
 <cfset   var  result= "" >
 <!--- Get data --->
 <cfquery   name= "data"   datasource= "#THIS.dsn#" >
 SELECT tirerear
FROM tires
WHERE model =  '#ARGUMENTS.model#'  and make =  '#ARGUMENTS.make#'  and  year  
=  '#ARGUMENTS.year#'
 <cfset  result=data.tirerear >
 <cfreturn  result >

 For my cfm I have:
<cfdiv bind="cfc:mycfc.gettires({model},{make},{year})" bindonload="false" 
ID="theDiv" />
Am I missing something??  If I try to change the CFC returntype to "Query" the 
display page errors. 
 The value returned from the gettires function is not of type query."


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