Actually, that's not all that easy.  Regex is great for tokenizing, but 
not parsing.  There are ways to determine whether or not you are 
"inside" quotes, but in my experience, looping usually gives you the 
best results -- especially when the text is not precicely what you 
expect.  For example, quotes doubled to escape them, unclosed quotes, etc.

--Ben Doom

Josh Nathanson wrote:
> Hey all,
> Got a regex challenge...I was able to solve it using an REFind and then 
> REReplace, but I'm wondering if anyone can come with a "one-shot" way to 
> replace without looping.
> I need to remove any carriage returns within a quoted string, but not touch 
> them if they are outside quotes. So:
> "the quick brown fox \r\n jumps over the \r\n lazy dog" <-- remove the 
> \r\n's
> My name is mud \r\n <-- leave this one alone
> I'm sure this is probably easy for the regex gurus...
> -- Josh

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