
I've tried to bind a cfwindow to radio buttons in a form, but the bind seems to 
miss the first click on the radio button. Subsequent clicks seem to register 
but they are out of synch with the selection, so when I click on 'mini' I get 7 
and when I click on 'week' I get 3. The code is below. 
Confirmbookingrequest.cfm currently just displays lengthofstay.

<cfform name="myform" >
                <td>Length of Stay:</td>
                <td>Mini<cfinput  type="Radio" name="lengthofstay" value="3" 
required="Yes" message="Please select length of stay"> Week<cfinput 
type="Radio" name="lengthofstay" value="7" required="Yes" message="Please 
select length of stay">
                <td><cfinput name="subbtn" type="button" value="Check 
Availability" onClick="javascript:ColdFusion.Window.show('mywindow2');"></td>
<cfwindow x="0" y="250" width="200" height="150" 
        name="mywindow2" title="My Second Window" 
        initshow="false" draggable="false" resizable="false" 
source="confirmbookingrequest.cfm?lengthofstay={myform:lengthofstay}" /> 

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