Yes, this is possible with BlueDragon.NET (I can send you an example if you 
need it). No, I don't think this is possible with CF8, because CF8 does not 
provide any integration with ASP.NET, and .NET controls require the ASP.NET 
runtime context. CF8 integration with .NET is done via a separate Windows 
process--you can see this in the Services control panel or task manager--and 
this process does not provide any integration with ASP.NET. In contrast, 
BlueDragon.NET is implemented entirely on top of (within?) the ASP.NET runtime.

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

>Hello All,
>I have had the following request past onto me:
>Can we pass CF a .net 3.0 dll containing a control - say the calendar
>control, and then allow CF to consume this dll and display the
>I am using CF8 and I am aware that BlueDragon could be a possible
>answer to this, I was wondering if this is possible with CF8.
>The most I have done so far is use cfobject to expose some .net
>methods and display the data they return.
>Hope this makes sense.
>Jose Diaz 

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