> I have a cfinput, type="button" that has a onclick="callreport()".  
> Function "callreport" instantiates a cfc called "metricreport.cfc".  
> Metricreport.cfc produces either a csv file or a cfreporter output.  
> The creation of the csv file works fine using cffile tags in 
> metricreport.cfc.  The <cfreport> does not seem to want to run from 
> within the cfc called through a javascript function.  The exact same 
> <cfreport> tag works fine if I call it directly from a ".cfm" 
> template
> 2 questions:
> Firstly, what is stopping me from using <cfreport> in my 
> java-instantiated cfc?
> Secondly (and unrelated to the description above), how do I get this 
> cfc to display a simple query-driven html table?
> Thanks,
> Craig
Yes, the output is set to true. 

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