On 27/12/2007, RobG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been using Farcry for a few months, and frankly, I'm fed up with
> it.  I would rather write my own from scratch than continue to use that
> piece of festering crap.

I don't think I've ever heard FarCry [1] described quite that way
before.  I'm sorry to hear you were unable to create a workable
solution but I suspect that has more to do with your implementation
than anything else.

> There is little to no documentation available,

There's a large WIKI [2], a busy set of developer forums and a 130pg
developer course book available.

Of course we'd like the documentation to be better -- we do our best
to add something new every day.  Perhaps you could help by pointing
out more specifically where the documentation is unclear or could be

> it is incredibly poorly written and buggy,

I'm sure there is a mix of both good and bad programming -- there
always is in a code base the size of FarCry.  On the whole I find it
to be a pleasure to work with.

We try and address bugs as quickly as we can -- assuming they have
been reported [3] (I was unable to see any you may have reported).
Given the size of the code base, its complexity and the speed of
ongoing development we're bound to miss a few.

> it is SLOW,

Actually its not.  There are several very large implementations of
FarCry worldwide that perform extremely well.  I'd suggest your
performance issues revolve around the specifics of your

> and it is confusing even for a 10+ year CF veteran such as myself.

Like any development framework you need to take the time to learn the
framework -- no amount of CF experience is going to help bluster

> My client is mystified by it and has refused to use it.

That is a grand shame.  I suspect that has more to do with the way the
solution was presented to them rather than the solution itself.
Certainly FarCry works for our clients, and many others besides.

Raise your problems on the FarCry forums -- we may be able to help you
through.  If not, hopefully you can find a solution better suited to
your requirements.

Best regards,


[1]: http://www.farcrycms.org/
[2]: http://docs.farcrycms.org/
[3]: http://bugs.farcrycms.org/

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