> -----Original Message-----
> From: Flesher, Rob [USA] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 12:29 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Query of Queries Issue
> All,
> Please forgive me if you get this twice, as it did not appear to post
> the first time.
> I am having an issue with cold fusion query of queries when upgrading
> to
> MX7.  Previously, when doing a SUM(querycol) in a query of queries when
> all the values of the column were null, the sum would return a 0.  In
> MX7, it is returning a blank string, causing all calculations to error
> out.
> Can someone tell me if CF query of queries has a function similar to
> oracle's NVL?  Basically, what I need to do is NVL(SUM(querycol), 0) to
> insure any null values return as a 0.
> If a function like this doesn't exist, how would you recommend I deal
> with this issue?

Well - I'm sure you could do an "if" outside the query (you can modify
queries manually like any other data structure) but I assume you'd prefer
something in the query itself.

I'm not sure but can you do math in the query?  Something like "
SUM(querycol) + 0" - that should (if it's allowed trigger CFs automatic type
conversion to create a number for you).  For that matter having a zero in
any of the rows should also do it... perhaps adding a dummy row with a zero
value into the original query might be possible?

Something to try at least.

Jim Davis

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