If you are on CF8, this sounds to me like the sort of thing you could use
CFTHREAD for - the upload can continue in the background but the user can
get on with their business.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 January 2008 03:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: File upload

On 1/22/08, ch g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you so much for all, some how it's working the only change i made
was in CF administrator set Request Throttle memory to 500MB. It's uploading
file, but it's taking more than 5 mins to upload 250MB file.

CF cannot write it to disk until it receives ALL of the post data, which
means the whole stream goes into memory first.  And I can't recall if the
post data is actually sent as binary of encoded on the fly by the browser,
in which case CF would have to decode the whole stream before writing it to
disk, and then of course write the entire 250MB file to disk... to the temp
location that CF uses... then your CF template starts to execute, and the
cffile tag causes that temporary file to be copied to your destination..

So I'm not surprised it's slow.  50MB a minute doesn't seem terrible.

As for the suggestion of making users use FTP, that's not exactly user
friendly, so if you find the file upload HTTP method acceptable, I'd do

You might want to warn the user with a javascript alert on submitting the
form that the process may take some time.


> The reason why i am using this, my end user using this uploading procedure
from last 5years. Not only file uploading i have to save that file name and
some other related information in database.
> Thanks
> chr
> >I'll ask the most obvious question. Why not use FTP, or provide your 
> >user an anonymous FTP account? Uploading a 250 meg file via the 
> >browser simply can't be all that effective.
> >
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I am trying to upload a file (250 MB) using CFFILE, if i ran that 
> >file after one minute browser is displaying to page can't be 
> >displayed. It's not displaying error messages or result and it's not
uploading file.
> >
> >Because of file size it's running like that or anything wrong with my
> >
> >NAMECONFLICT="OVERWRITE" FILEFIELD="File3" result="upload_result"> 
> ><cfset form.filename = #File.AttemptedServerFile#> <cfdump 
> >var="#upload_result#">
> >
> >Thanks
> >chr

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