Okay, if I did it right, here's what I see...

On my local system (which works), the Response tab simply contains the 
Server Time that is sent back.

On my live server (Windows) that isn't working right and returning that 
weird error message, I get this:


<script type="text/javascript">_cf_loadingtexthtml="<div 
align='center'><img src='/CFIDE/scripts/ajax
type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/scripts
<script type="text/javascript" 
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
        var _cf_pm=ColdFusion.AjaxProxy.init('/ajax/pm.cfc','pm_proxy');
        _cf_pm.prototype.pmCount=function(userid) { return 
ColdFusion.AjaxProxy.invoke(this, "pmCount", {userid
<script language="JavaScript">
if (self.parent.frames.length != 0)
<script language="JavaScript">
        function pmCount(userid) {
                var userid = userid;
                var instance = new pm_proxy();
        function pmCountSuccess(result) {
                document.getElementById('pm_count').innerHTML = result;
"30 Jan 2008 - 07:45:47"


Which is interesting because it does seem to be returing the server 
time, but all that mess ahead of it too.  Weird.


Raymond Camden wrote:
> You should see one line item per Ajax request. If you click to expand
> it, there is a 'Result' tab I believe. This shows you what the server
> returned.
> On Jan 30, 2008 10:52 AM, RobG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Raymond Camden wrote:
>>> If you use Firebug to monitor the XHR requests, what do you in the
>>> server response? Is it valid JSON?
>> Hi Ray!
>> I just installed firebug, but I don't quite understand what I'm looking
>> for.  I found the "XHR" section under the "Net" tab, but it doesn't
>> really select.  I see lots of outputs but I don't really know what to
>> make of it.
>> Rob

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