Other than the obvious comment about how calling variables straight out of
the application from within a CFC breaks your object encapsulation (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_concerns) -- I would suggest
dumping before your query.

<cfdump var="#application#" /><cfabort />

if that doesn't solve it, move the dump/abort to the spot right before you
called your cfc. Then to the top of the page, then to the previous file, if
included, and up the chain, then to your application.cfm/cfc.

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Colman, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I know the datasource is there, in the root directory. So why can't the
> CFC find it ...??
> Element DATASOURCE is undefined in APPLICATION.
> The error occurred in /var/www/html/coda/datatrack/DataTrack.cfc: line
> 14
> 12 :            <cfargument name="getType" default="ALL" type="String"
> required="yes">
> 13 :            <cfargument name="id" default="0" type="Numeric"
> required="no">
> 14 :            <cfquery name="qTracks"
> datasource="#application.datasource#">
> 15 :                    <cfif arguments.getType EQ "SINGLE">
> 16 :                            exec usp_DataTrack_SELECT #arguments.id#
> Rick Colman

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