Hi Alex,

try this one (allthough) I do not understand the problem:

<cfset emailList = ValueList(getemail.email)>

        <cfif GetEmail.RecordCount IS 1>
                <cfset email1=#trim(ListFirst(emaillist))#>
        <cfelseif getemail.Recordcount is 2>    
                <cfset email1=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 1))#>
                <cfset email2=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 2))#>
                <cfset email1=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 1))#>
                <cfset email2=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 2))#>
                <cfset email3=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 3))#> 



you can always access a certain record like follows:

<cfset eMail = getemail.email[recordnumber]>

so to solve the above, just do something like follows:

<cfloop query="getemail">
        <cfset SetVariable("email" & getemail.currentrow, 

Allthough in my opinion it makes no sense to set variables like that (I mean 
email1, email2 etc...)


Greetings from Switzerland
Gert Franz
Railo Technologies GmbH

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alex poyaoan schrieb:
> Hi everybody.. havinng a problem with listgetat and couldn't seem to find the 
> solution.. please help my code is 
>       <cfif GetEmail.RecordCount IS 1>
>               <cfset emaillist=#getemail.email#>
>               <cfset email1=#trim(ListFirst(emaillist))#>
>       <cfelseif getemail.Recordcount is 2>    
>               <cfset emaillist=#getemail.email#>
>               <cfset email1=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 1))#>
>               <cfset email2=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 2))#>
>       <cfelse>
>               <cfset emaillist=#getemail.email#>
>               <cfset email1=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 1))#>
>                 <cfset email2=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 2))#>
>               <cfset email3=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 3))#> 
> I have a query getemail with one email only it goes okey if two or three it 
> throws these error  Invalid list index 2.
> In function ListGetAt(list, index [, delimiters]), the value of index, 2, is 
> not a valid as the first argument (this list has 1 elements). Valid indexes 
> are in the range 1 through the number of elements in the list.
> The error occurred in 
> C:\CFusionMX7\wwwroot\devcurianet\riservate\socialMail\subscriberForm.cfm: 
> line 60
> 58 :          <cfset emaillist=#getemail.email#>
> 59 :          <cfset email1=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 1))#>
> 60 :          <cfset email2=#trim(listGetAt(emaillist, 2))#>
> ......

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