
These links look great!  The ExportDbToXml.cfc is actually just what I needed.  
Unfortunately, I am still receiving an error when performing this function:

Stream closed:
The error occurred in \com\FileWriter.cfc: line 118
Called from \com\ExportDbToXml.cfc: line 272
Called from \com\ExportDbToXml.cfc: line 55
Called from \reports\alldata.cfm: line 5
Called from \reports.cfm: line 173
Called from \reports.cfm: line 1

116 : <cfargument name="strIn" type="string" required="No" default="" hint="a 
string to write to the file" />
117 : 
118 : <cfset variables.joBufferedWriter.write(javaCast("string", 
arguments.strIn)) />
119 : <cfset variables.joBufferedWriter.newLine() />
120 : </cffunction>

Now into Java, I am completely out of my knowledge set, so your continuing help 
would be greatly appreciated!


Joel Watson

>How are  you creating the XML variable? Becuase if you are building it up
>manually by concatenating strings together this is common. This is because
>every time you concatenate a string it creates a new Java String instance,
>which means you have (depending on how many columns you have) hundreds of
>thousands or even millions of String instances that won't be garbage
>collected until after the request is over and all references to them are
>Use a Java StringBuffer (or if you're on Java 5 or 6, a StringBuilder) to
>build up the XML string, as these are specifically for building up large
>strings without constantly creating new instances. You can find easy CFC
>wrappers for these and other Java classes at
>On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Joel Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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