> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nate Willard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 1:47 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: DateCompare or Diff? To determine if the Current Date is
> the Weekend or a Weekday
> Dave & James.
> This is for a time tracker tool, so I would like the weekend to start
> Friday at 6pm... Is there anyway to do a DateCompare for a set date
> range?
> The weekend being Fri 6pm - Sunday 10pm?

I'm assuming that you're new to CF (forgive me if you're not).

The absolute best thing you can do when starting out with CF is to take an
hour (in the CF 2.0 days it was 15 minutes) and flip through the reference


Just flip through and read the first sentence description of each function
and tag.  They won't completely sink in but you'll get a feel for the
capabilities and "families" of functionality.  When a new task comes up it's
likely something will trip.

It's the absolute best time you can spend.

I think every good CFer has a story about spending an inordinate amount of
time building something that the language already did.  In my case the first
app I built was a calendar... boy was I proud when I built a function for
determining leap year to CF.  ;^)

Jim Davis

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