>I hear you. So far I have avoided using a lot of the Ajax features in CF 8
>(save cfajaxproxy ) and sticking with their source libraries like EXT and
>FCKeditor and the like. If anything for the foot print. I am still a sucker
>for cfform though.
>BTW FCKeditor has a CFC that works out of the box... very nice.
>I do like your misspelling btw... ;)
>Good editor... a poor choice of a name none the less.
>(save cfajaxproxy )


On cfajaxproxy, agree whole-heartedly that it's probably the most powerful 
feature of all cf8 related ajax function/feature (at least to some of us).  One 
would hope that CF's next release would add more to this amazing tag as well 
among others...

On FCKeditor, I just didn't remember how to spell it and not bothering looking 
it up.  If one technique would work, which I haven't tested yet, a very viable 
alternative work for an app of mine (on efficiency scale of at 200% over 
FCKeditor but I'll stop right here, many likes this editor...).   On a similar 
note, I don't have the luxury to spend over 50% of time on technical stuff...
">BTW FCKeditor has a CFC that works out of the box... very nice."
Please tell me more about that (or probably the editor's web site would have 
info on that but again your insight would be more valuable...) in case one 
technique for the alternative does not work.



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