
It's com.lowagie.text.rtf.RtfWriter2

Loathe wrote:
> Whats the correct path to the RtfWriter2 class?
> I thought it would be  com.lowagie.text.RtfWriter2 but it can't find 
> that, I have googled all over the place for it. I've created the 
> document object now I need to pass that to RtfWriter2.getInstance() but 
> can't seem to instantiate a RtfWriter2 object.
> Any hep would be appreciated, I'm so damned close :)
> Also, how do you find these out?  I assumed there would be some way 
> through introspection but can't seem to figure out how to get the info, 
> I'm dumping the objects I have but I just get the methods and 
> properties, no info on children or super or anything.
> Paul Hastings wrote:
>> Loathe wrote:
>>> I have a need to be able to create a word document and do page 
>>> numbering, and have access to the header and footer to add letterhead 
>>> and document classification information.  I'm wondering if anyone can 
>>> point me towards a solution that does this other than CF Report Builder?
>> have a look at iText's rtfWriter2 class. iText powers cfdocument, etc on cf7 
>> & 
>> above so it should just be "there". if you need the latest & greatest 
>> version, 
>> use mark's javaLoader to load the iText jar for use w/cf.

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