I have been having the toughest time trying to get a cfc to bind to a <cfdiv>.  
All I get is "object not found".  I've tried saving the file inside every 
single possible folder that Coldfusion is ever possibly looking in.  I've also 
tried creating a mapping, and no success there, either.

<!--- On the page: --->

Weight: <input type="text" name="weight" size="2"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="zip" value="#getOrder.BillToZip#">
<cfdiv bindOnLoad="false" 
bind="cfc:zoneswitch.CalculateCarrierCosts({weight},{zip})" />

<!--- The way I understand it, when I change the "Weight" field the cfc should 
be binding to the <cfdiv>.  The page is loading, so I know that at least the 
page can locate the cfc, but the binding property can't. --->

<!--- Here's the cfc: --->

<cfcomponent hint="I output compared carrier rates." output="true">
   <cffunction name="CalculateCarrierCosts" access="remote" 
displayname="Calculate Carrier Costs" returntype="query" hint="I calculate 
individual carrier costs based on zip code and weight.">
        <cfargument default="0" name="weight" required="true" type="numeric">
        <cfargument default="00000" name="zip" required="true" type="numeric">

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