yes Will but he might actually have more than 1 site to move so it could be an 
issue (couldn't resist!)

I do agree though that you should mirror your sites with production & just 
because you use apache locally and iis in production doesn't really matter, the 
goal is to make each one a root. You could make mappings as well but if you are 
on shared hosting that can be a pain, it's easier to just do one in app.cfc and 
then can change it once for all of them if need be.

> >So, basically, if I don't want to rethink and rebuild my whole 
> development
> >environment, I should stick with good 'ol Application.CFM?
> >There you could simply do <cfinclude template="../Application.cfm">.
> Dude, I went through this same exact issue. I fought and fought myself 
> over changing my development environment. 
> Do what I did....install apache, change a few simple settings in 
> apache's httpd config file, add a few dev domains in your windows 
> hosts file, and presto, you have an easy fix. We're talkin' an hour or 
> less. Bam - done. 
> Now, I have dev url's like so:
> local.mylocalsite1
> local.mylocalsite2
> It's sweet!
> Will

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