
Lookaround doesn't work with ColdFusion's regex engine. Instead, use Java's:

#str.matches(re)# (returns true/false)

also look into replaceFirst, replaceAll and split.

Ehh, I'd link my blog where I have a couple entries and a presentation on
it, but I've been having DNS issues for a few days, and it looks like
they'll continue through the next week...

Instead, here's a link to java.lang.string - if you can do it in Java, you
can do it in CF!

nathan strutz

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dangit. I can't make this flag it. It LOOKS like it'd work.
> Find the first instance of the rbo call, then make sure it's closed
> AFTERwards.
> <cfset str = '
> <cfscript>
> var rbo = "";
> var someVar = "Will";
> var someOtherVar = "Whatever";
> Whateverelse logic here...
> rbo = closestObj();
> rbo = "";
> </cfscript>
> '>
> <cfset re = 'var\s(rbo\s=\s"";)(rbo\s=\scloseObj\(\);)\1(?!\2)'>
> <cfoutput>#reFindNoCase(re, str)#</cfoutput>

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