I've played with it just a bit. It can drop out some fairly nice interfaces
and the XML is pretty well structured in the way that everything seems to
make sense and skill translation from HTML+CSS is not that difficult.

I decided not to use it, however, as the thing I was playing with is a wide
release customer-facing desktop app, and WPF requires the .NET framework
3.5, which is like 200MB, and not that widely available. I'm considering Air
vs WinForms (.net 2.0) right now.

When you say "disk based" - you mean like System.IO file & directory
interaction? If that's the case, I highly recommend .NET. It tends to be
remarkably fast in this category.

nathan strutz

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 1:26 PM, C. Hatton Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> (Cross-posting from CF-Community, sorry if you get this twice)
> I'm starting to do some disk based programming work and have hit an
> interesting roadblock.
> We've (my bosses, actually) want to use .NET for the disk based apps,
> but now that I have VS 2008 I'm presented with WinForms or WPF.  From
> the look of things, WPF is where Microsoft is headed with the UI
> fight.
> Has anyone had to make this decision?
> Does anyone have resources (web or email) for this?
> When it comes to web, I've sold them on using CF to integrate with
> ..NET... (*yay*) but we have to decide on the disk-based solution.
> I've been playing around with both and my biggest stumbling block is
> the actual planning out of the interface.  Amazing how much having a
> browser to contain everything can alleviate interface nightmares!
> Hatton
> --
> George Burns  - "Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed."
> --
> George Burns  - "Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed."

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